Colorful Acrylic Panel


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Product Introduction

Colorful Acrylic Panel is a transliterated word, ACRYLIC in English. It’s a chemical material. The chemical name is PMMA. It’s a polyacrylate. Its material has good transparency, chemical stability and weather resistance, easy to dye, processing and beautiful appearance, known as “plastic crystal”. Colorful Acrylic Panel,also known as special treatment of plexiglass, can
be used as an alternative to glass in the decorative field.
Acrylic research and development, it has a history of more than one hundred years. During World War II, acrylic has excellent strength, toughness
and light transmittance, it was applied to the windshield of aircraft, the field mirror of tank driver’s cab. The birth of the world’s first acrylic bathtub in 1948 marked the application of acrylic into a new milestone.

Install Tips:
The best way for manufacturers engraving or advertising company engraving(cut
position neat without special treatment).Carpentry can also be cut with
anelectrician saw,cutting after the side of the white serrated,need to be polished
with sandpaper.
Adhesive toolGlass glue(on the border)
Acrylic glue (on the acrylic joint)
Installation Conditions
Colorful Acrylic Panel must be installed before the skeleton of the smooth and clean,before
the installation of the plate around the protective film uncovered 5 ~10cm,to be
installed and then the overall uncovered protective film,so as nottodamage the
plate surface due to operation.MaintenanceAvoid scratches and grease
Acrylic partition:fixed frame around,the acrylic embedded inside the frame,
temporary use can be fixed with screws:and acrylic background wall:with hightransparent glass adhesive adhesive acrylic back paste to the wall
Weight 0.3 kg

Sample size:200*200mm

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    Love how this turned out. Easy to install and is very versatile

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    Easy to install:) looks like a different room!

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